Life Is Sweet April 2019 - a glimpse beyond the mixer into what we've been up to in April.

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Yet another month in 2019 has come and gone.
This year is flying by, but I would expect no less when I am working on SBS, working on the house, working on my sister's wedding parties, working on losing weight, working on not losing my sanity (if I have any left that can be saved). I think you get the point. 😜
Now let's see what we've been up to in April while I put on my big girl pants for May because it is going to be a doozy.
Our House

The journey of building our house continues, and that journey continues to be an uphill battle.
Seriously, if you've built a house before, was your journey a nightmare too? Or is it just us? 😭
That's all I am going to say on the negative front because if I think too much about it I want a black hole to swallow me up, or the house, or maybe both. 😬
So, let's talk about the GOOD of building our house this month.
First, they've obviously made some progress since Life Is Sweet March 2019.
My hubby and I have been going out to our land and clearing away dead trees, vines, and brush.
Some of it needs to be removed for the electricity to be brought to the house, while most of it needs to be removed because it's an eyesore.
It's been nice to do some work on our yard. We've never had one. We've lived in apartments and a condo where the yard wasn't our own, and we didn't have a say in what was done to it.
Working in our yard has been NICE.
A couple of weekends ago my hubby and I were out clearing, and we invited my family over to see the progress of the build and to watch us burn dead brush.
My brother, sister-in-law, their kids (my dear nieces and nephew), and my parents showed up with chairs and beer. It's Wisconsin. That's how we roll.
My family helped pile up more dead logs and sticks and we had our very first bonfire at the house, which also led to ordering pizza for the first time to the house or rather the yard.
We had an AWESOME time enjoying our firsts, and are really appreciative of the help!
Stitch Fix
I started getting Stitch Fix last fall, put it on hold during winter, and got my first spring fix this month.
Stitch Fix can be pricey, but honestly, all of my favorite clothes have come from Stitch Fix.
I wanted to share with you what I received this month on Insta, but it didn't happen. 😬 Instead, I am sharing the gorgeous TOMS Majorca Cut-Out Heels I received. Aren't they stunning? 😍
If you're interested in trying Stitch Fix, which I urge you to do, please consider clicking my referral link. You'll get $25 towards YOUR Stitch Fix, and I'll get a bonus too! It's a win-win for everyone!
Would you like me to share my future "fixes" with you here or on Insta?
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And that'll wrap up Life Is Sweet April 2019!
It's been A LOT of work, binge reading, and binge Netflix watching.
How was your April? I hope you had a wonderful Easter. Anything you’d like me to share or get into next month?
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